Hand care
no rinse hand gel 500 ml
The super foodies no rinse hand gel is currently the best thing you need for your hands. With an alcohol percentage of about 70%, it cleans your hands and kills germs (almost 99.9% of bacteria) without the need for water.
happy hand and body soap 500 ml
A sulfate and paraffin free liquid hand soap with 100% natural and biodegradable ingredients. Contains Japanese matcha tea and natural substances, create a light, velvety foam that cleanses without drying the skin.
velvety hand lotion 100 ml
The velvety hand lotion is a wonderfully soft hand lotion to nourish, hydrate and protect the hands. This paraffin-free hand cream is packed with antioxidants, thanks to a composition based on Japanese matcha tea. Recommended for the care and protection of normal to dry hands.
ENWRAP softening hand mask 2 pieces (left-right) /10 ml
The ENWRAP hand mask is a masking glove packed with nutrients and offers everything you need to take good care of your hands and cuticles.
ENWRAP Collector's Box 4 masks
All 4 ENWRAP masks in one box! This box contains: 1 x face & neck moisturizing fleece mask 1 x refreshing eye pads 1 x softening hand mask 1 x exfoliating food mask
picking garden handscrub 50 ml LIMITED EDITION
Deze ultra-verzorgende handscrub is verrijkt met de milde en voedende eigenschappen van aardbeienpitjes, abrikozenpitolie en exfoliërende zeezoutdeeltjes uit de Dode Zee.